Yoga and meditation are for everyone. The focus of the mind, the movement of energy and the centering of self for inner peace are the goal.
None of this has to look a certain way!
We aim to include all body types, all abilities, gender identities, and skin pigmentations. If for any reason our meditations, positions, terminology or events are outside of your proficiency, and you feel unsure or excluded, please let us know.
Our goal is to be of service to all yogis, not just the ones that we see in the ads.
wild meditation
Adding a Meditation practice can feel daunting. It's probably at the top of a long to-do list but is one of the first things to go when we're pressed for time.
Just know, that a solid daily meditation practice is our best tool for clearing stagnant energy, invigorating the mind, and re-energizing the body.
Believe us, we understand that it's difficult to take time out to sit and just be. We all want to have the perfect space set up and have our minds free, clear and “ready” for meditation.
What we fail to embrace is that when there is chaos in our lives we are being called to take care of ourselves!
We must breathe and meditate!
The direction inward, the calm of sitting and just being is what creates the energy inside and around us. It's meditation that clears our minds, helps calm the dissaray and creates the clear path we are looking for- not the other way around!
40-day MediTATions
Coming soon
It takes 40 days to integrate the benefits of a new practice, to make it a habit and to feel as if you're reaping what you're sowing.
The meditations we have created help you center and focus your energy, as well as move blockages you may have to your personal progression. These meditations slow down your thoughts, help you to begin your day with a more positive perspective and eventually help you close your day with more energy and in a higher spirit.
5 minute meditations
With these brief breathing exercises you are able to bring your energy back into your own auric perimeter, strengthen your energetic core and calm any wayward psychic currency you are collecting or projecting.
large group events
As we progress away from a more "me" centered self-preservation perspective and embrace a more inclusive "We" focused experience, our yoga and meditation practices need to become more accessible.
Meditation allows each of us to go inside, find and strengthen our core being, and get in touch with the healthier parts of ourselves.
Whether over zoom or in-person we hold space, set an occasion-specific pace and bring open energy to your event