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A Seasoned Life 12 WEEKS
Sale Price: $60.00 Original Price: $120.00

Astrology is like a big pot of deliciousness someone else has cooked up for you. A little of this, a little of that, but when it comes to the ingredients and seasonings…you have no idea what's been thrown in.

What’s in your astrology food and where does it originate?

By the end of this 12-week evolutionary astrology course, you’ll be able to see the planets, Zodiac signs, and houses as doses of spice, pinches of herbs, and a few delicate ingredients to get the right outcome or recipe for your life— a synthesis of colors, depth of flavors, and decadent scents.

Following random people’s advice, going to the now-defunct TicTok, or perusing your IG feed for astrological knowledge is a surefire way to run into misinformation, scare tactics, and confusion.

Is that how you want to learn about astrology or yourself?

What season of life are we starting when the Sun is in Aries? Better yet, how does the Sun in Aries affect our 1st house? You’ll learn that here. You’ll learn about others and you’ll learn about the deeper parts of your being.

Join us?

If you’re an international student, please email me at and I will not only discount you based on where you are, but we will set up a different payment arrangement personally.

A Seasoned Life 12 WEEKS
Sale Price: $60.00 Original Price: $120.00